
1. These Rules may be cited as the Guardianship of Infants’ Properties Rules, 1957.


2.- (1) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to say:-

“Civil Procedure Rules” means the Civil Procedure Rules or any rules amending or substituted for the same;

“Court” means a District Court, or a member thereof having jurisdiction, or a Turkish Family Court, as the case may be;

“Infant” means a person who has not attained the age of eighteen years: Provided that a married woman who has not attained the age of eighteen years shall not be deemed to be an infant;

“the Law” means the Guardianship of Infants and prodigals Law;

“office copy” means a sealed copy or translation of any document lodged, filed or kept in or issued out of a Court registry certified to be a true copy or translation by the Registrar or Assistant Registrar of that Court;

“prescribed” means prescribed by these Rules or any other public instrument;

“property” includes both movable and immovable property;

“Registrar” means the Registrar of a District Court or a Turkish Family Court, as the case may be;

“trust funds” and “trust property” mean the funds and property of an infant under guardianship.

(2) A form referred to by number means the Form so numbered in Appendix A to these Rules.

(3) The Interpretation Law shall apply to the interpretation of these Rules as it applies to the interpretation of a Law, and, for the purposes of the said Law, these Rules shall be deemed to be Laws.

Application of Rules

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Guardianship of Infants and Prodigals Rules, these Rules shall apply to all matters and proceedings under the Law consequential to the making of an order under the provisions of section 46 of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, whether such proceedings are instituted in the Turkish Family Courts, in the exercise of the powers conferred upon them under sub-section (2) of section 8 of the Turkish Family Courts Law, 1954, or in a District Court.

Mode of making application.

4. An application to the Court by an administrator or personal representative, under the provisions of sub-section (1) or (2) (b) of section 46 of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, for an order to dispose of an infant’s share, shall be made by summons in Form 1, with such variations as circumstances may require.

Service of summons

5. The Court may direct such persons to be served with the summons (Form 1), and such advertisements to be made, as it may think fit.

Statement of particulars

6- (1) The summons (Form 1) shall be accompanied by a statement by the applicant containing the following particulars:-

(a) the infant’s name and date of birth. An official certificate of birth from the appropriate Commissioner shall be attached to the summons. If the infant’s name cannot be traced in the Register of Births the fact should be stated in the applicant’s affidavit filed under paragraph (2) of this Rule;

(b) full particulars of the movable and immovable property falling to the infant as his share in the assets of the estate, with an approximate estimate of the income and capital value thereof;

(c) the name and address of the living parent of an infant and/or his nearest relatives;

(d) reference to the deceased’s estate administration relating to the infant, and the date of the filing and auditing of the final accounts of the administration;

(e) if a person is proposed as a guardian, a statement whether it is proposed that such person, if appointed, should be remunerated or not; and

(f) any exceptional circumstances specially affecting the administration of the infant’s property.

(2) An affidavit by the applicant verifying the statement shall be sufficient prima facie evidence of the particulars contained in the statement.

(3) The summons shall also be accompanied by an affidavit of some person or persons to the effect that from personal knowledge the proposed guardian is a fit and proper person to be appointed as such: Provided that if the applicant is not the proposed guardian then such evidence may be included in the applicant’s statement filed under paragraph (1) of this Rule.

Guardian’s consent

7. No person shall be appointed guardian of an infant’s person or property unless –

(a) he attends personally before the Court or Registrar and signifies his consent to such appointment; or

(b) his consent in writing, duly attested by a Registrar, certifying officer or mukhtar, is filed in Court.

Register of applications

8. The Registrar shall keep a register in Form 2 in which every application filed under the Law during a year shall be entered and numberred consecutively.

Order to be drawn up

9-(1) Every order of a Court directing the transfer of an infant’s share and appointing a guardian shall be drawn up in Form 3, and entered in book to be kept for that purpose; and an office copy thereof shall be attached to the file of proceedings.

(2) Office copies of such orders shall be issued to guardians free of charge.

Registrar as guardian

10-(1) Where the Court declares an infant to be a ward of Court and the Registrar of the Court has in respect of the infant’s property the powers of a guardian, under the provisions of section 7A of the Law, such Registrar shall, on his ceasing to hold office, cease to be guardian without any formal resignation.

(2) Where the Registrar of the Court is guardian, an infant’s property vested in or held by him shall be vested in and held by him under his official title and not in his own name.

(3) Where the Registrar of the Court who is guardian of an infant dies or ceases to hold office, his successor in office shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, become guardian of the infant’s property shall without any assignment or transfer in such a case become vested in the successor as it was vested in his predecessor in office.

Funds and title deeds

11. Notwithstanding anything in these Rules contained, where a Registrar of the Court is guardian of an infant’s property the trust funds and the title deeds and other documents which are evidence of the title of the guardian to any of the trust property, and all receipts on behalf of the trust shall be dealt with and all payments on behalf of the trust shall be made and accounts shall be kept in such manner as may be directed by the Chief Justice from time to time.

Statement of infant’s property

12. – (1) A guardian must, unless in any case the Court considers that it is unnessary, as soon as may be after his appointment furnish the Court with a complete statement of the infant’s property, accompanied with an approximate estimate of the income and capital value of each item.

(2) It shall be the duty of the guardian to give such information to the Court as may be necessary for the purpose of keeping the statement of the infant’s property correct for the time being.


13.- (1) A guardian, if not a Registrar of the Court, must give security to the Court for the due application of the infant’s property unless the Court dispenses with security under this Rule.

(2) The Court may, on the appointment of a guardian, or at any time during his continuance in office as guardian, dispense with security on the application either of the person who is to be appointed or is guardian or of any person appearing to the Court to be interested in the infant.

(3) The security must be given by a bond in Form 4, or otherwise, as the Court directs, and with such sureties as the Court approves.

(4) If the Court is satisfied that sufficient provision is made for the safety of the capital of the infant’s property the amount of the security shall, in ordinary cases, be an amount exceeding by fifty per centum the income of the trust property as estimated by the Court.

(5) The Court may at any time require that the amount or nature of the security given by a guardian under this Rule be varied or that security be given where it has previously been dispensed with and a guardian shall comply with any such requirement.

(6) It shall be a condition of every bond or other form of security given under this Rule that the guardian shall give immediate notice to the Court of the death or insolvency of any of his sureties.

(7) Any bond or other form of security given for the purpose of this Rule may be vacated in such manner and subject to such conditions as the Court may direct.

(8) Where security is not dispensed with the appointment of a person to be guardian shall not take effect until he has given the security required by the Court under this Rule.

(9) Any premium payable by a gardian to any guarantee company on account of his security may, if the Court so directs, be paid out of the trust property.

Account at bank and custody of documents

14. (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (7) of this Rule, when a guardian is appointed a separate account for receipts and payments on behalf of the trust must be kept in the name of the guardian at some bank approved by the Court.

(2) All title deeds and all certificates and other documents which are evidence of the title of the guardian to any of the trust property shall be deposited either with that bank or in such other custody as the Court directs.

(3) The deeds or documents are so deposited to allow any person authorised by the Registrar of the Court in wirting to inspect them during business hours.

(4) The guardian must deposit with the Court a list of all deeds or documents deposited in any custody in prusuance of this Rule and must give information to the Court from time to time of any variation to be made in the list.

(5) The guardian must, if at any time directed by the Court, give an order to the bank at which the trust account is kept not to pay at any one time any sum over a specified amount out of the trust account except n an order countersigned by the Registrar of the Court.

(6) The Court may give such directios to the guardian as may in the opinion of the Court be necessary or expedient for carrying ths Rule inot effect, and for securing the safety of the infant’s property.

(7) Where compliance with the provisions of this Rule would cause special inconvenience or hardship, the Chief Justice in respect of any particular class of trust properties, or a President of a District Court in respect of an particular trust property may, by direction, exempt the guardian of such property or properties from compliance with all or any of the provisions of this Rule.

Guardian not to keep money in his hands

15. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (7) of Rule 14, a guardian must pay all money coming into his hands on account of his trust without delay to the trust account at the bank, and if he keeps any such money in his hands for a longer time than the Court considers necessary shall be liable to pay interest upon it at such rate not exceeding nine per centum as the Court may fix for the time during which the money remains in his hands.

Directions to guardians

16. (1) A guardian may at any time request the Court to give him directions as to the infant’s property or its administration.

(2) The request must be accompanied by a statement of the facts with regard to which directions are required, and by the prescribed fee, where necessary, in respect of a communication from the Court with regard to the administration of the infant’s property.

(3) The Court may require the guardian or any other person to attend at chambers if it appears that such an attendance is necessary or convenient for the purpose of obtaining any informaton or explanation required for property giving directions or for the purpose of explaining the nature of the directions.

Accounts, audit, and inspection

17. (1) Unless otherwise directed by the Court, every guardian to whom an infant’s share is transferred in accordance with an order made under the provisions of section 46 of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954-

(a) shall, at the end of thirteen months from the date of such order, file in Court accounts in respect of the first twelve months of his administration ; and

(b) shall thereafter, make up the accounts of his administration annually in respect of the preceding twelve months and file them in Court within one month after the close of such accounting period.

(2) When an account is filed in Court under this Rule the Registrar shall scrutinize such account and if it appears to the Registrar that by reason of improper, unvouched or unjustifiable entries or otherwise such account is not a full and proper account, the Registrar may give written notice to the person filing the account to remedy such defects as there may be within such time as to the Registrar may seem reasonable for the purpose, and on failure to remedy such defects within such time the person having filed such defective account shall be deemed to have failed to file an account within the meaning of paragraph (1) of this Rule.

(3) The Court may, of its own motion, appoint a competent person to examine any accounts filed under this Rule which are complicated or voluminous, and the person so appointed may receive such reasonable remuneration (payable out of the infant’s property) as the Court may direct. Such person shall submit his report on the accounts to the Registrar within such time as the Court may direct and the Registrar may take any action thereon as if he had scrutinized the accounts himself.

(4) The Court may for good cause shown abridge or extend the time for such filing of accounts as aforesaid.

(5) Any guardian who has been granted an extension of time to file such accounts shall be deemed to have failed to file an account within the meaning of paragraph (1) of this Rule.

(6) It will be the duty of the Registrar to bring to the notice of the Court the fact that any guardian has failed to file his accounts as required by this Rule.

(7) Such accounts shall be open to the inspection of all persons satisfying the Registrar that they are interested in the administration, on payment of the prescribed fee.

(8) The guardian shall send a copy of the accounts, or if the Court thinks fit, of a summary of the accounts, to such person or persons as the Court thinks proper.

(9) In this Rule the word “accounts” shall mean and include an account of the administration, the vouchers in the hands of the guardian relating thereto, and an affidavit in verification.

Deductions allowed.

18. A guardian shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, be allowed on the audit of his accounts deductions made on account of his remuneration and other allowances that may be approved by the Court and also on account of the fees paid by him under these Rules, but shall not be allowed any other deduction, unless the deduction is authorized by the Court in pursuance of the Law or these Rules, or the Court is satisfied that the deduction is justified by the strict necessity of the case.

Authorised investements

19. (1) Subject to any directions of the Court, a guardian may invest any trust funds to his hands, whether at the time in a state of investment or not, in manner folllowing-

(a) in any securities in which trustees in England are for the time being authorised by the Law of England to invest trust funds;

(b) in any securities the interest on which is guaranteed by Government;

(c) in any debentures, bonds, stocks or securities issued under the authority of any Law or in respect of any loan raised by Govvernment;

(d) in any debentures, bonds, stocks or securities of any public body or local authority in the Colony the revenues whereof are under the control of the Goverment;

(e) on the security of a charge of immovable property, provided that such property shall be situate within the limits of a municipal corporation and the sum to be invested is not more than two-thirds of the value of such property.

For the purposes of this paragraph “value” has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration and Valuation) Law;

and may also from time to time vary any such investment as aforesaid.

(2) The Court may authorize a guardian to invest any trust funds in a bank or Co-operative Society registered under the provisions of the Co-operative Societies Law, for a fixed term not exceeding two years.

Power to retain investment which has ceased to be authorized

20. A guardian shall not be liable for breah of trust by reason only of his continuing to hold an investment which has ceased to be an investment authorized by the Court or these Rules.

Remuneration of guardian.

21. (1) In fixing the remuneration of a guardian under section 16 of the Law, regard shall be had to the duties entailed upon the guardian by the administration of the infant's property.

(2) The Court may make, if it thinks fit, special allowances to guar dians for the following matters to be paid out of the infant's property-

(a) for the statement of the infant's property prepared by a guar dian on his appointment, an allowance between £0.500 mils and £2;

(b) for realizing and re-investing trust property, where the property is realized for the purpose of re-investment, an allowance not exceeding one per centum on the amount realized and re -invested ;

(c) for realizing or investing trust property in any other case, an allowance not exceeding one-half per centum on the amount realized or invested.

(3) Where a guardian is remunerated any allowance under this Rule may be paid in addition to his remuneration.

(4) Any remuneration or allowance, payable to a guardian shall be paid or allowed to him at such time and in such manner as the Court directs.

Forfeiture of remuneration

22. (1) If the Court is satisfied that a guardian has failed to comply with the Law or with these Rules or with the directions of the Court or the Registrar of the Court, made in accordance with the Law or these Rules, or has otherwise misconducted himself in relation to the infant's property, the Court may order that the whole or any part of the remune ration of the guardian be forfeited.

(2) This Rule shall not affect any liability of the guardian for breach of trust or to be removed or suspended.

(3) A guardian shall have an opportunity of being heard by the Court before any order is made for the forfeiture of his remuneration or any part of it.

Suspension of guardian

23.-(1) The Court may at any time either without any application or on the application of any person appealing to the Court to be interested in the administration of the infant's property suspend a guardian, if the Court considers that it is expedient to do so in the interests of the infant, and a guardian while suspended shall, not have power to act as guardian.

(2) When a guardian is suspended the Court shall cause notice to be given to such of the persons appearing to the Court to be interested in the infant as the Court directs and also to the persons having the custody of the infant's property, and shall give any other directions which appear necessary for securing the Safety of the infant's property.

Removal of gardian.

24. (1) The Court may either without any application or on the application of any person appearing to the Court to be interested in the infant or the due and proper administration or protection of the infant's property remove a guardian in accordance with the provisions of section 7 and 17 of the Law.

(2) Any application to remove a guardian must be made by summons.

(3) A guardian shall not be removed by the Court without an appli cation for the purpose except after notice has been given to him by the Court, of the grounds on which it is proposed to remove him and of the time and place at which the matter will be heard.

(4) The Court shall cause a copy of the notice to the guardian to be sent to such of the persons appearing to the Court to be interested in the infant as the Court directs and the same procedure shall be followed in the matter, so far as possible, as on summons to remove a guardian.

Inquiry into conduct of guardian

25. Where an inquiry into the administration by a guardian of an infant's property or into any dealing or transaction of a guardian is ordered, the inquiry, shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, be conducted by the Registrar of the Court and he shall have the same powers in relation thereto as the powers conferred on the Court under the Law and these Rules.

Resignation of guardian

26. If a guardian desires to be discharged from his appointment he must give notice to the Court stating at the same time what arrangements it is proposed to make with regard to the appointment of a successor.

Exercise of powers of Court

27. The powers conferred and the duties imposed on the Court under these Rules may be exercised and performed by the Registrar, except the power of making in order for the appointment, removal or suspension of a guardian but the Court upon the application of any person aggrieved by the decision of a Registrar may review such decision, and such person shall be entitled to be heard upon review.

Communication between guardian and Court

28.-(1) It shall not be necessary to take out a summons or make a formal application for any purpose under the Law or these Rules except in cases where a summons or application is required by these Rules, or where the Court directs a summons to be taken out or a formal application to be made.

(2) Where a guardian desires to make any application or request to the Court or to communicate with the Court as to the administration of the infant's property, he may do so by letter addressed to the Registrar of the Court without any further formality.

(3) The Court may give any direction to a guardian with regard to the administration of the infant's property by letter signed by the Registrar of the Court and addressed to the guardian without drawing up any order or formal document.

(4) For the purpose of attendance at chambers of the guardian or any other person connected with the infant's property for purposes relating to the administration of such property the Registrar of the Court may make such appointments as he thinks fit by letter without the service of formal notices.

(5) Any document may be supplied for the use of the Court by leaving j it with or sending it by post to the Registrar of the Court.

Record of action taken

29. A record of every direction made or action taken by the Registrar in any matter connected with the guardianship of the infant shall be made on the file and signed and dated by him.

File of proceedings

30. All applications and other documents in proceedings relating to an infant and the administration of his property shall be filed and kept together under the same number of proceedings as the original appli cation made in accordance with the provisions of section 46 of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954.

Service of Notices

31. Any notice or other document required or authorised to be served on any person for the purpose of these Rules shall be deemed to have been duly served if:

(a) sent by post to that person at his ordinary address or to his address for service specified in any notice given by him to the Registrar; or

(b) delivered to him by the Mukhtar of the village or quarter in which that person resides.


32. The fees specified in Appendix Β to these Rules shall be paid to the Registrar in respect of matters therein mentioned.

Registrar’s books

33. (1) The Registrar shall keep books in such manner as may be directed by the Chief Justice, and the particulars given under the different heads in such books shall be entered forthwith after the proceedings shall be had.

(2) Such books shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, be open to the inspection of all persons satisfying the Registrar that they are interested in the guardianship of the infant or his property. The Registrar's refusal shall be subject to appeal to the Court, whose decision in the matter shall be final.

Registrar’s returns

34. The Registrar shall make such returns regarding the administration of infant's properties and proceedings under these Rules as the Chief Justice may direct.

Procedure not expressly provided

35. Matters of practice and procedure not expressly provided for in these Rules shall be governed by the Civil Procedure Rules in force for the time being in so far as they may be applicable.

Application to pending proceedings

36. These Rules shall apply to any proceeding which is pending at the date on which these Rules come into operation, subject to such directions as the Court may think fit to give.

Transitional provisions

37. These Rules shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of estates where an order has been made by the Court under the Infant's Estates Administration Law, relating to the guardian or the share of an infant, subject to such directions as the Court may think fit to give.

38(1) Τα δικαστικά έξοδα οιασδήποτε διαδικασίας θα επαφίενται εις την κρίσιν του Δικαστηρίου.

(2) Τηρουμένης οιασδήποτε ειδικής διαταγής του δικαστηρίου, οσάκις υφίσταται επίδικον ποσόν ή αντικείμενον ή δικηγορική αμοιβή θα καθορίζηται συμφώνως της αξίας του επίδικου ποσού ή αντικειμένου επί τη βάσει των κλιμάκων των προβλεπομένων υπό του παραρτήματος Β του περί Πολιτικής Δικονομίας (Τροποποιητικού) Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού του 1978 διά πολιτικάς αγωγάς· και οσάκις η αξία του επιδίκου ποσού ή αντικειμένου δεν δύναται να εξακριβωθή η δικηγορική αμοιβή θα καθορίζηται βάσει των κλιμάκων των προβλεπομένων υπό του εν λόγω παραρτήματος Β διά πολιτικάς αγωγάς μεταξύ διακοσίων και πεντακοσίων λιρών.


(Rule 2 (2)).
(Rule 4)

In the ........................ Court of ...................................

No. .........../19.......

In the matter of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, section 46,


In the matter of the Guardianship of Infants and Prodigals Law, Cap. 102,



In the matter of A ................................. B ............................, infant



C................................... D...................................



Let all parties concerned attend the Court at ............................ on the ................. day of ..........................., 19....., at the hour ………. of ........ in the .............. noon, on the hearing of an application whereby the above named applicant applies-

(a) for an order of the Court to dispose of the share of the above infant in the assets of the estate of E.F. of ……………… to which such infant is entitled, for the use of the infant, in such manner as the Court may direct;

(b) for an order of the Court appointing G.H. as guardian of the person and property of such infant (where necessary); and

(c) for any other order that the Court may think fit.

The application is based on the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, section 46 (1) (or section 46 (2) (b)) and section 46 (3); and the Guardianship of Infants and Prodigals Law, Cap. 102, section…………….

The facts relied upon are set out in the accompanying statement and affidavit of C.D. of …………………. dated the……….. day of ………….. 19……..1

This summons was taken out by the applicant in person (or by J.K., advocate for the applicant).

Address for service:


(Advocate for) Applicant.

Filed on the …………. Day of ……………., 19…..

Fixed for hearing on the ………. Day of ……………., 19….. at the hour of …………… in the …………. Noon.


1 This summons must be accompanied by a statement signed by the applicant containing the particulars required under Rule 6, and an affidavit by the same person verifying the statement.

2 State name and address of person to be served with the summons; and on form filed to Court give names and addresses of every such person.


(Rule 8)





(Rule 9)


In the ……………… Court of ……………………….


Before: ……………………….. No. ... /19…..


In the matter of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, section 46,


In the matter of the Guardianship of Infants and Prodigals Law, Cap. 102, -


In the matter of A B... .., infant.


C ………………….. D ……………………..


Upon the application of C.D. (the administrator or personal represen tative of the deceased. E.F.) for an order of this Court to dispose of the infant's share in the assets of the estate of the aforesaid deceased (and for an order appointing G.H. as guardian of the person and property of the said infant); (and it appearing to this Court that the said G.H. is a fit and proper person and is willing to act as guardian of such infant) ;


This Court DOTH ORDER that the infant's share in the assets of the estate of the aforesaid deceased be transferred to G.H. (the infant's lawful father and guardian under the Law), or, to G.H. who is hereby appointed guardian of the infant's person and property.


Dated the ……….. day of …………………., 19…



(Rule 13 (3) )


In the ………….. Court of …………………………

No. ……../ 19….


In the matter of the Guardianship of Infants arid Prodigals Law, Cap. 102,



In matter of A ………………… Β ……………………. infant.

We C.D. of ………….. (the principal party to this bond, who has been appointed by the Court guardian of A.B., infant, and to whom the Court has directed that certain property falling to the share of the said infant be transferred in' accordance with the Law);


And E.F of (the surety) ; hereby bind ourselves jointly

and severally to pay to G.H. the Registrar of the ………………. Court of …………………….; for which payment we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents.

The condition of the above-written obligation is such that if the above named G.D. the guardian appointed by the Court, do apply arid dispose of the said infant's property; and income in accordance with the Law and the directions of the Court, and do furnish an account of his dealings with it to the Court in accordance with the Law and the Rules of Court, or at times to be fixed by the Court or when called upon so to do, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, shall remain in full force.


Dated the …………. day of ………………, 19……….

Signed by the above named C.D., and E.F.

in the presence of …………………………..




Δικαστικά τέλη
(Κανονισμός 32)

Τα πιο κάτω δικαστικά τέλη θα πληρώνονται σε χαρτόσημα:


1. Για καταχώριση αίτησης δυνάμει του Κανονισμού 4 …………………………..


Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση.

2. Για καταχώριση λογαριασμών από κηδεμόνα συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της ένορκης δήλωσης για επιβεβαίωση αυτών ……………………………………


Επικολλώνται στην ένορκο δήλωση.

3. Για έλεγχο των λογαριασμών κηδεμόνα, όταν ελέγχονται από τον Πρωτοκολλητή, για κάθε €200, ή μέρος αυτών του ακαθάρτου εισοδήματος της περιουσίας του ανηλίκου, χωρίς την αφαίρεση οποιωνδήποτε πληρωμών ……………………………………


Επικολλώνται στους λογαριασμούς.
Νοείται ότι αν το καθαρό εισόδημα της περιουσίας του ανηλίκου κατά την ετήσια περίοδο στην οποία αναφέρονται οι λογαριασμοί δεν υπερβαίνει τα €400, το δικαστικό αυτό τέλος δεν θα πληρώνεται.

4. Για οποιοδήποτε έγγραφο προερχόμενο από το Δικαστήριο σε σχέση προς τη διαχείριση της περιουσίας του ανηλίκου …


Επικολλώνται στο αντίγραφο του εγγράφου που καταχωρείται στο Δικαστήριο. 1,00

5. Για οποιαδήποτε άλλη διαδικασία ή θέμα: Τα ίδια δικαστικά τέλη όπως στις πολιτικές αγωγές για ποσό πέραν των €100.


6. Ανεξάρτητα προς τις διατάξεις του Πίνακα αυτού στις περιπτώσεις κατά τις οποίες η αξία του μεριδίου ή της περιουσίας του ανηλίκου δεν υπερβαίνει τα €1000, θα πληρώνεται ένα μόνο δικαστικό τέλος €3 αντί των λοιπών δικαστικών τελών που προβλέπονται στον Πίνακα αυτό  ………………………………….


Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση. 3,00
Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο Διαδικαστικός αυτός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 22.02.2002 (7/2002) τίθεται σε ισχύ  από την 1η Μαρτίου 2002.

Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο Διαδικαστικός αυτός Κανονισμός (Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 05.12.2007(10/2007) τίθεται σε ισχύ από την 1ην Ιανουαρίου, 2008.