
232. The proceedings had or taken under these Rules, in respect of which a fee shall be chargeable, shall be those set forth in Column I of Schedule II hereto.

233. There shall be taken, in respect of such proceedings, the fees set forth in Column II of the said Schedule.

234. All such fees, except where otherwise expressly provided in Column III of the said Schedule shall be taken in stamps.

Such stamps shall be adhesive revenue stamps, and shall be attached to such documents, or be furnished to the Registrar and by him applied and disposed of, as stated in Column III of the said Schedule.

235. Every stamp, denoting a fee of Court, shall be cancelled by the Registrar.

236. The fees payable to the Registrar for the furnishing of office copies or for the certifying of any copy (not made by an officer of the Court) to be a true copy, shall be payable to him as remuneration for the making or certifying of such copies, and. he shall not be accountable for the same.

Application of practice of Admiralty Division of High Court of Justice in England.