
30. The day to be fixed for the hearing of any application under section 25, 26, or 27 of the Law shall not, unless the District Court otherwise directs, be less than fourteen days from the day on which the application is filed.

31-(1) Service of documents in proceedings before a District Court shall be effected in the same manner as in civil proceedings.

(2) Save where the District Court otherwise directs, service of notice of the day fixed for the hearing of any matter shall be effected at least ten days before the day of which notice is given.

(3) Save where the District Court otherwise directs, summonses to witnesses shall be served, at least four days before the day for which they are summoned.

(4) Where the District Court makes a special direction with regard to the service of a document, the Registrar of the Court shall endorse such document in red ink with the Court’s direction.

32. The procedure to be followed on the hearing of any matter before a District Court shall, as nearly as possible, be the same as the procedure followed in civil proceedings.

33. The costs of any proceedings before a District Court shall be in the discretion of the Court; but the property of a mental patient or criminal mental patient shall not be charged with payment of costs in respect of any proceeding unless the Court is satisfied that the proceeding was for the benefit of such patient or his property.


33Α. Εκτός αν το δικαστήριο διατάξει διαφορετικά,

α) όπου η αξία του επίδικου θέματος είναι προσδιοριστέα, η αντίστοιχη κλίμακα σε πολιτικές αγωγές, όπως προβλέπεται από το εκάστοτε εν ισχύϊ Παράρτημα Β του Περί Πολιτικής Δικονομίας Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού.

β) όπου η αξία του επίδικου θέματος δεν μπορεί να εξακριβωθεί, η κλίμακα σε πολιτικές αγωγές €2.000-€10.000.-όπως προβλέπεται από το εκάστοτε εν ισχύϊ Παράρτημα Β του Περί Δικονομίας Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού.

34. All documents issuing out of a District Court shall be sealed with the seal of the Court. [*438]

35. In proceedings before a District Court the forms provided in Appendix B hereto shall, where applicable, be used with such variations as circumstances may require.

36. The fees set forth in Appendix B hereto shall be charged in respect of proceedings before a District Court or on appeal therefrom.

37. The rules relating to civil proceedings shall apply to any matter arising out of a proceeding before a District Court for which provision is not herein made.

38. Every document forming part of a proceeding before a District Court shall be entitled as follows:-


In the District Court of………………………………
Registry of…………………… No…………
In re A.B. of………………………………