(Rule 2.)

In the Supreme Court of Cyprus. No……………

In the matter of the Trade Unions Law, Cap. 172,


In the matter of a decision of the Registrar of Trade Unions J made on the…………… day of……………, 19…………, (state concisely the decision appealed against).

Between :

………………………………………A.B. ………………………………………



………………………………………C.D. ………………………………………

in his capacity as Registrar of Trade Unions,


Let…………… of…………… within seven days after service of this summons on him enter an appearance to this summons, which is issued on the application of…………… of…………… who claims to be……………

(state the nature of the claim) for the determination of the following questions: (state the questions).

Filed the…………… day of…………………………, 19…………

Chief Registrar.

This summons was taken out by…………… A.B……………personally (or by…………… B.F…………… advocate for…………… A.B……………)

The Applicant’s address for service is :-



(Signed) ………………………… A.B……………


Advocate for……………A.B……………)

N.B.—An appearance may be entered either personally or by advocate by delivering a memorandum of appearance to the Chief Registrar at the Supreme Court, Nicosia, and by delivering on the same day at the Appellant’s address for service a duplicate of such memorandum signed, dated, and sealed by the Chief Registrar. If the Respondent does not enter an appearance within the time and in the manner above-mentioned such order will be made and proceedings taken as the Court or Judge may think just and expedient.