82.-(1) In default of payment to any person of any sum of money at the time appointed for payment thereof by any order of the Court (made in the exercise of its matrimonial jurisdiction) then, for the purpose of issuing execution under such order, application may be made ex parte to a Judge for transfer of the order to a District Court. The application shall be supported by affidavit of service of the order and of non-payment and of the existence within the jurisdiction of the particular District Court to which the order is sought to be transferred of property of the person in default which can be taken in execution. If the application is granted, then, upon lodgment in the registry of the District Court named of a sealed copy of the order transferred together with a sealed copy of the order directing transfer, execution shall issue from such registry in the same manner as execution of a judgment of a District Court as if leave for the issue of such execution had been granted by the District Court.

(2) A decree or order requiring a person to do an act thereby ordered shall state the time within which the act is to be done, and the copy to be served upon the person required to obey the same shall be indorsed with a memorandum in the words or to the effect following, viz.: “If you within named (A.B.) neglect to obey this order by the time therein limited you will be liable to process of execution for the purpose of compelling you to obey the same”.