Σχολική εφορεία

23. Eις εκάστην πόλιν ή χωρίον ένθα υφίστανται δημόσια σχολεία μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως θα υφίσταται σχολική εφορεία μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως, ήτις θα είναι η δυνάμει του άρθρου 16 του περί Στοιχειώδους Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμου διορισθείσα σχολική εφορεία διά τα εν τη πόλει ταύτη ή τω χωρίω τούτω σχολεία στοιχειώδους εκπαιδεύσεως.

  • ΚΕΦ.169
  • 5/1960ΕΚΣ
  • 10/1961ΕΚΣ
  • 60/1970
Moslem secondary schools and governing bodies

24.-(1) From and after the 1st September 1952, there shall be in the place of the registrations existing in respect of Moslem secondary schools before the aforementioned date, separate registrations in respect of every Moslem secondary school operating in any town or village and, for this purpose, the Director shall, notwithstanding anything in this Law contained, forthwith and without any other formality, enter in the Register of Secondary Schools the name of each such school with all necessary particulars and make such other entries or re-adjustments in such Register, as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of this subsection.

(2)(a) There shall be a governing body for Moslem secondary schools registered under the provisions of subsection (1) in every town or village which is a municipal corporation, to be composed of five members of the Moslem community having knowledge of, and interest in, Moslem secondary education appointed by the Συνέλευσις, except that, in respect of such secondary schools in the town of Nicosia, there shall be nine members so appointed.

(b) The governing body in respect of any such Moslem secondary school in any village, not being a municipal corporation, shall be the governing body of the principal town of the district in which such village is situated:

Provided that the Συνέλευσις shall be at liberty to appoint a governing body of five members for any Moslem secondary school or schools in any village not being a municipal corporation and thereupon the provisions of this subsection shall apply to such governing body and the same shall be deemed to be a governing body for the purposes of this Law.

(c) The Συνέλευσις shall appoint a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from among the members of the governing body and, if the Chairman or Vice-Chairman are not present at any meeting, the members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairman for that meeting.

(d) Every member of the governing body appointed as in paragraph (a) hereof shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of his appointment:

Provided that the Governor may, if he deems it expedient, terminate at any time the appointment of any such member.

Αρμοδιότητες σχολικής εφορείας

25. Eκάστη σχολική εφορεία μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως κέκτηται, εν σχέσει προς τα υπ’ αυτήν δημόσια σχολεία μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως, πάσας τας αρμοδιότητας σχολικής εφορείας εν σχέσει προς τα υπ’ αυτήν σχολεία στοιχειώδους εκπαιδεύσεως δυνάμει του άρθρου 18 του περί Στοιχειώδους Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμου και επιπροσθέτως κέκτηται αρμοδιότητα όπως-

(α) καταρτίζη και υποβάλλη κατά τον καθωρισμένον τρόπον και χρόνον προς έγκρισιν τον προϋπολογισμόν των υπ’ αυτήν δημοσίων σχολείων μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως διά το επόμενον σχολικόν έτος~

(β) εισπράττη και καταθέτη κατά τον καθωρισμένον τρόπον και χρόνον τα υπό του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου καθοριζόμενα δίδακτρα και άλλα τέλη διά τους μαθητάς των δημοσίων σχολείων μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως~

(γ) διαχειρίζηται τον προϋπολογισμόν της~

(δ) επιβάλλη εις τους μαθητάς των δημοσίων σχολείων μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως κατά τον καθωρισμένον τρόπον και χρόνον πρόσθετα δίδακτρα, τέλη και δικαιώματα, καταθέτη ταύτα εις τα εν τω περί Κοινοτικών Σχολείων Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμω του 1961 της Ελληνικής Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως αναφερόμενα οικεία ειδικά (άλλως εσωτερικά) ταμεία και διαχειρίζηται γενικώς τα ειρημένα ταμεία~

(ε) ασκή πάσαν άλλην εξουσίαν και εκτελή παν άλλο καθήκον ανατιθέμενον εις αυτήν υπό του παρόντος ή οιουδήποτε ετέρου Νόμου και οιωνδήποτε επί τη βάσει τούτων εκδοθέντων Κανονισμών ή υπό του Υπουργού.

Βorrowing powers of certain governing bodies and saving

26.-(1) Τhe governing body of any secondary school to which section 23 or 24 applies may, subject

to the approval of the Συνέλευσις, borrow money from the Loan Commissioners or from any bank, corporation or private person for any school purpose or educational purpose, and for securing the payment of the principal and interest of any such loan may, subject to the approval of the Συνέλευσις, mortgage any premises belonging to or held in trust for such school together with any premises to be erected with any such loan and may charge therewith any moneys then or thereafter payable to the governing body under any Law.

(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect any loan contracted by any governing body under the provisions of the Secondary Education (Moslem) Schools Laws, 1920 to 1929, or by any Town Committee under the provisions of the Secondary Education (Greek-Christian) Laws, 1923 and 1929, as the case may be, and any such loan shall be valid and effective and shall be discharged as if this Law had not been passed.

Meetings of governing bodies

27.-(1) The Chairman or Vice-Chairman of every governing body shall summon meetings of the members thereof as often as may be necessary and he shall summon a meeting, if requested so to do by a notice in writing signed by two of the members, within three days of the receipt of the notice, such meeting to be held within fourteen days of the receipt of the notice; and if the Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall fail to summon such meeting within such period, any two members may summon the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and members to a meeting by a notice in writing signed by the members summoning such meeting.

(2) No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless more than one-half of the members are present:

Provided that, if on the second successive summons a sufficient number of members is not present to constitute a quorum, at the time and place appointed for the meeting, the governing body may proceed with business if two members only are present.

(3) All questions coming before a governing body at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of the members present and, in case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

(4) No act or proceeding of a governing body shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in such body.

Vesting of property in certain secondary schools

28.-(1) All property vested in any secondary school to which section 23 or 24 applies and any property which may herafter be acquired by or on behalf of any such school shall if movable vest, and if immovable vest and be registered-

(a) in the case of a Greek-Christian secondary school, in the Chairman of the Town Committee as constituting the governing body for such school under section 23;

(b) in the case of Moslem secondary schools, in the Chairman of the governing body constituted under section 24,

to be held in trust for the school or schools concerned.

(2) All such immovable property of every category shall be registered in the books of the District Lands Office in accordance with the preceding subsection unless the same has been acquired by gift or dedication in which case the property shall be held and registered in accordance with the terms of the deed of gift or dedication, if any.

(3) No disposition of such immovable property shall hereafter be made without the authority of the Συνέλευσις.

Λογαριασμοί και έλεγχος αυτών

29.-(1) Οι μέχρι της 31ης Αυγούστου εκάστου έτους λογαριασμοί εκάστης σχολικής εφορείας μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως ισολογίζονται υπό του Ταμίου αυτής, εγκρίνονται υπό της ρηθείσης σχολικής εφορείας, υπογράφονται υπό τριών τουλάχιστον μελών αυτής και υποβάλλονται προς έλεγχον κατά τον καθωρισμένον τρόπον και χρόνον.

(2) Έλεγχος των λογαριασμών σχολικής εφορείας μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως δύναται ωσαύτως να διεξαχθή κατά πάντα χρόνον κατά τον καθωρισμένον τρόπον, η δε ρηθείσα σχολική εφορεία υποχρεούται όπως παρέχη πάσαν σχετικήν ευκολίαν.

(3) Σχολική εφορεία μέσης εκπαιδεύσεως παραλείπουσα να υποβάλη τους λογαριασμούς αυτής προς έλεγχον ως προνοείται εν τω εδαφίω (1) ή να παράσχη τας υπό του εδαφίου (2) προνοουμένας ευκολίας και έκαστον μέλος αυτής είναι ένοχοι αδικήματος και υπόκεινται, εν περιπτώσει καταδίκης, εις χρηματικήν ποινήν μη υπερβαίνουσαν τις .25 δι’ εκάστην ημέραν καθ’ ην διαρκεί η εν λόγω παράλειψις.

  • ΚΕΦ.169
  • 5/1960ΕΚΣ
  • 7/1962ΕΚΣ
  • 60/1970
Τax in respect of immovable property of any secondary school

30. Τhe Συνέλευσις may by notice to be published in the Gazette order that no tax, rate or due shall be leviable in respect of the immovable property belonging to or held in trust for any secondary school specified in such notice.

Power to exempt secondary schools from provisions of this Law

31. The Συνέλευσις may, subject to such terms and conditions as to him may seem fit, by order to be published in the Gazette, exempt any secondary school from any of the provisions of this Law.


32.-(1) Any person who-

(a) acts in contravention of section 17 or 21 of this Law;

(b) knowingly teaches in an unregistered secondary school or in a secondary school which has been struck off the Register of Secondary Schools,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding .250.

(2) Every member of a governing body which acts in contravention of, or fails or neglects to comply with any of the provisions of sections 4, 5, 9(1) or 17 of this Law shall, unless he proves to the satisfaction of the Court that he was not a party to such contravention, failure or neglect, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding .250.

(3) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1) of this section contained, it shall be lawful for a teacher employed in any secondary school in existence at the date of the coming into operation of this Law to teach in such school for a period not exceeding one month from such date, and provided that the governing body of the school applies within that period to have the school registered, it shall be lawful for such teacher to continue teaching in such school until a final decision upon the application has been made.

Power to Συνέλευσις to make Regulations

33. The Συνέλευσις may from time to time make Regulations to be published in the Gazette for all or any of the following matters, that is to say-

(a) the form of the Register of Secondary Schools;

(b) the form of application for the registration of secondary schools and any particulars required therein in addition to the particulars specified in section 6 of this Law;

(c) the form of the certificate of registration of secondary schools;

(d) the form of the return required to be made under section 9 of this Law;

(e) the form of the register of secondary school teachers and the particulars to be entered therein;

(f) the form of application for registration as a secondary school teacher and the particulars to be contained therein;

(g) the educational qualifications required for registration as a secondary school teacher;

(h) the form of the licence to teach in secondary schools to be issued under section 20 of this Law;

(i) the matters upon which a governing body may frame regulations under section 25 (e) of this Law;

(j) the manner in and time within which accounts shall be submitted for audit under section 29 of this Law;

(k) the terms and conditions upon which a grant-in-aid may be made to the governing body of a secondary school including the form of application for and the method of computing and paying the same;

(l) generally for the better carrying out of the purposes of this Law.