Persons prohibited from receiving foster children

45. A foster child shall not, without the consent of the Director, be received or kept-

(a) by any person from whose care any child has been removed under this Part or under section 64 of this Law or under section 14 of the Juvenile Offenders Law;

(b) in any premises from which any child has been removed under this Part by reason of the premises being dangerous or insanitary or by reason of the premises being so unfit as to endanger the health of the child,

and any person keeping a foster child contrary to this section, or causing a foster child to be so kept, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding .450, or to both such imprisonment and fine, and the Court may order any child in respect of which the offence was committed to be removed to a place of safety.