(Section 34(1)(m).)

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Secondary Education (Public-aided Secondary Schools) Regulations, and shall apply only to Public-aided Secondary Schools and to teachers of such schools.

2. Any governing body which wishes the school over which it exercises authority or control to be declared a Public-aided Secondary School shall apply on the form set out in Appendix A to these Regulations.

3. The Register of Public-aided Secondary School Teachers shall contain the following particulars:-

(a) name in full;

(b) nationality;

(c) date of birth (day, month, year);

(d) place of birth;

(e) degree and/or diploma and date it was obtained (giving institution at which obtained, subjects studied, length of course, any other relevant details);

(f) Teacher Training qualifications and details;

(g) annual salary and allowances from date of declaration of school as Public-aided Secondary School;

(h) record of all service of the teacher.

4.-(1) The grades and salary scales payable to teachers appointed to the permanent and pensionable staff shall be those set out in Appendix B to these Regulations, and every such teacher shall be placed by the Director on the grade appropriate to the teacher’s qualifications, and at such point on the scale as the Director may decide, having regard to the teacher’s previous experience to teaching:

Provided that, with regard to any teacher who is appointed to a Public-aided Secondary School, the Director may accept-

(a) the ability and attainment of the teacher as equivalent to a University Degree;

(b) the efficiency in, and experience of, teaching as equivalent to Teacher Training,

as set out in the said Appendix.

(2) Teachers who are not natives of the Δημοκρατία, or who, though natives of the Δημοκρατία, are not πολίτες της Δημοκρατίας, shall be appointed on contract, and on successful completion of contract, or on retirement, may be paid a gratuity in accordance with the Regulations set out in the First Schedule to the Law.

(3) Temporary teachers shall be paid a salary at the discretion of the Director.

5. Whenever it is necessary to appoint any new teacher after the declaration of the school as a Public-aided Secondary School, the following procedure shall be followed:-

(a) the governing body, in consultation with the Director, shall prepare a statement of particulars of the new post or the vacancy to be filled and the Director shall cause such statement to be published in the Gazette;

(b) the governing body, in consultation with the Director, shall consider all applications received in connection with the publication as aforementioned and submit their recommendations to the Συνέλευσις for his consideration.

6. Every teacher on first appointment to a secondary school which has been declared a Public-aided Secondary School shall be on probation for a period of two years after the completion of which, to the satisfaction of the Director, shall be confirmed in his appointment:

Provided that no teacher whose name is included in the form of application shall be required to serve on probation.

7. No teacher shall be required to teach more than thirty hours a week.

8. The governing body shall select from among the teachers of a Public-aided Secondary School one teacher to be the headmaster of the school and also an adequate number of masters (hereinafter referred to as “senior masters”) who shall be responsible, under the headmaster, for the organization of some branch of the school or of the teaching of some subject throughout the school:

Provided that there shall not be more than one senior master for the first hundred pupils and not more than one such master for every hundred pupils or part thereof in excess of fifty above the first hundred.

9. The headmaster shall be responsible for the supervision of the work of the teachers and pupils and of the internal organization and discipline of the school, and shall not be required to teach more hours than is compatible with the conscientious performance of such duties and, whenever any question arises affecting the appointment, punishment or dismissal of teachers or affecting the internal organization or discipline of the school, he shall be afforded an opportunity of expressing his opinion thereon.

10. The maximum number of pupils to be admitted to each Public-aided Secondary School shall be fixed by the Director due regard being had to the number of qualified pupils seeking admission and the capacity of the school and the teaching staff:

Provided that, except with the consent of the governing body, such number shall not be less than the number pupils shown in the application as enrolled in the school.

11. Pupils seeking first admission to a Public-aided Secondary School shall to the satisfaction of the Director be examined by the staff of that school on the basis of the elementary school programme of instruction in such subjects studied in the elementary schools as the Director may require and only those will be admitted who appear most likely to benefit from a secondary education.

12.-(1) The pupils selected for free places shall be those who are of more than average ability and whose parents would find it difficult to pay any fees and such pupils shall be distributed in approximately the same proportion throughout the different classes of the school.

(2) The selection for free places shall be made by the governing body on the results of the examinations on first admission:

Provided that, in the first year after the school is declared a Public-aided Secondary School, the selection of those in the second to the sixth classes shall be based on the previous year’s work.

(3) A pupil selected for a free place shall not, thereafter, pay fees unless his record of work becomes so unsatisfactory that he no longer deserves a free place, in which case he shall be required to pay a fee and his free place shall be given to another pupil either in that class or in another class.

13. The governing body may, at any time cause the removal from a Public-aided Secondary School of any pupil whose record is such as to indicate that he is not likely to derive further benefit in the school and that his presence in the school impedes progress of the other pupils.

14. The number of pupils taught together at one time shall not exceed fifty.

15.-(1) The governing body of a Public-aided Secondary School may make standing orders relating to all or any of the following matters:-

(a) the admission, attendance, classification and examination of pupils;

(b) the discipline to be enforced upon pupils both inside and outside the school;

(c) the punishment and expulsion of pupils;

(d) the health, cleanliness and medical inspection of pupils;

(e) regulating the manner in which the fees for pupils shall be paid;

(f) the organization and management of the boarding house or hostel, if any, attached to the school and the fees to be charged in connection therewith;

(g) the duties and powers of the headmaster and of other teachers;

(h) the school holidays and the vacations to be enjoyed by teachers, subject to a minimum number of working days during each year, as may be fixed by the Director;

(i) the internal organization and management of the school.

(2) Standing orders made under this Regulation shall be subject to the approval of the Director and a copy shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place on the school premises for the information of all teachers and pupils at the school.

16. A copy of these Regulations and a list of the names and addresses of all members of the governing body shall be kept on the premises of every Public-aided Secondary School.

17. Any governing body aggrieved by the decision of the Director upon any matter arising out of these Regulations may, within fourteen days from the date of the notification of such decision, appeal to the Συνέλευσις whose decision thereon shall be final and conclusive.




(Reg. 2.)


To His Excellency the Συνέλευσις,

(through the Director of Education).


We, , being the governing body of the secondary school of , do hereby apply under section 34 of the Secondary Education Law that His Excellency the Συνέλευσις might be pleased to declare the said school as a Public-aided Secondary School.

2. The school is/is not in receipt of a grant-in-aid.

3. Full particulars concerning the teachers now serving in the school are set out on the attached sheets. [One sheet to be completed in respect of each teacher.]

4. The curriculum of the school, showing the number of hours per week devoted to each subject in each class, the outline of what is taught in each year and the textbooks used, is as set out in the attached sheet.

5. The number of pupils now enrolled in the school is as follows:-


Boys Girls Total

Class I .. .. ..

,, II .. .. ..

,, III .. .. ..

,, IV .. .. ..

,, V .. .. ..

,, VI .. .. ..

Dated .

(Signatures) .





(Reg. 4.)


1. Salaries and allowances of teachers in Public-aided Secondary Schools shall be as follows:-

Men Women
(a) Grade “A” (teachers with University Degree and Teacher Training) .. .. .. .. .570X18-660 .510X18-600;
(b) Grade “b” (teachers with University Degree only) .. .. .. .480X18-570 .420X18-510
(c) Grade “c” (teachers with Training only) .. .. .. .. .350X15-500 .305X15-425

2. A cost-of-living allowance at the prevailing rate for public officers shall be payable to all teachers in Public-aided Secondary Schools.

3. Special allowances shall be payable to headmasters and senior masters at the following rates:

(a) headmasters: .30 for every hundred pupils or part thereof in excess of fifty;

(b) senior master: .10 for every hundred pupils or part thereof in excess of fifty;

4. For the purposes of this Appendix-

(a) teachers with University Degree shall be teachers:-

(i) with a university degree or its equivalent gained after satisfactory completion of a continuous and integrated course of not less than three years’ duration;

(ii) with a diploma or certificate gained after completion of a continuous and integrated course of not less than three years’ duration in commercial subjects, to the satisfaction of the Director; or

(iii) with a diploma or certificate gained after completion of a continuous and integrated course of not less than three years’ duration in Art, Music, Physical Training or any subject of a secondary school’s curriculum not covered by the courses in (i) and (ii) above, to the satisfaction of the Director;

(b) teachers with Teacher Training shall be teachers:-

(i) with a Teacher’s Training Certificate gained after completion of a full-time course of training of not less than two years’ duration in a Teachers’ Training College, to the satisfaction of the Director;

(ii) with a diploma in Teaching or its equivalent gained after completion of a post-graduate course of training of not less than one year’s duration, to the satisfaction of the Director; or

(iii) who have completed, to the satisfaction of the Director, such course or series of courses of training as the Director may prescribe.


Παρατηρήσεις Εκδοτών

1. To άρθρο 17 του περί Στοιχειώδους και Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως (Τροποποιητικού) Νόμου 1962, Ν. 7/62, προνοεί τα ακόλουθα:

“17.-(1) Άπαντα τα άρθρα του περί Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως (Τροποποιητικού) Νόμου 1960, Αριθμ. 5/1960, εξαιρουμένου του άρθρου 8, και ο περί Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως (Τροποποιητικός Νόμος, Αριθμ. 10/1961) καταργούνται.

(2) Οιαδήποτε διάταξις των περί Στοιχειώδους ή Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμων, Κεφ. 166 και 169, αντιβαίνουσα προς οιανδήποτε διάταξιν του παρόντος Νόμου, καταργείται.”

2. Τα άρθρα 9 και 10 του περί Στοιχειώδους Εκπαιδεύσεως (Τροποποιητικού) Νόμου του 1970, Ν. 69/70, προνοούν τα ακόλουθα:

“9. Ο περί Στοιχειώδους και Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως (Τροποποιητικός) Νόμος του 1962 της Ελληνικής Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως καταργείται.

10.-(1) Η ισχύς των διά του άρθρου 6 του παρόντος Νόμου εντιθεμένων εν τω βασικώ Νόμω νέων άρθρων 16 και 17 θεωρείται ως αρξαμένη την 31ην Μαρτίου 1965, κατά δε τα λοιπά η ισχύς του παρόντος Νόμου θεωρείται ως αρξαμένη την 12ην Ιουνίου 1970.

(2) Πάσα εν τω περί Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμω, ως ούτος ετροποποιήθη υπό του περί Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως (Τροποποιητικού) Νόμου του 1970, αναφορά εις διάταξιν του περί Στοιχειώδους Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμου εντιθεμένην ή τροποποιουμένην διά του παρόντος Νόμου ερμηνεύεται τηρουμένων των διατάξεων του εδαφίου (1), άνευ επηρεασμού παντός γενομένου ή μη γενομένου προ της δημοσιεύσεως του παρόντος Νόμου εν τη επισήμω εφημερίδι της Δημοκρατίας.”